Friday 20th May

At the end of last week Year 5 had a real treat. Phil, an engineer from Steam Workshops came for his first visit. The boys and girls, over the course of the next few weeks will design and make a CO2 powered racing car in groups. Our first session concentrated on streamlined shapes for vehicles and why certain animals are streamlined. The boys and girls did a great job and recalled so much scientific knowledge from earlier on in the year. We can’t wait to see the cars racing!

In R.E we have been talking about the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. The children thought about our world now and what Jesus would think about it. We thought about what he might not like about the world and also what he would be very proud of. The boys and girls then summarised this in a sentence and drew pictures to demonstrate what a world transformed by Jesus would look like. These are Poppy, George, Megan and Jessica’s ideas.

In Maths we have worked on a tricky skill, converting between different units of measurement. The children did so well recapping how many mm in a cm, cm in a m, m in a km  and so on, and then had to work out how to convert them using this knowledge. As it isn’t a skill that the children practise every day, it can be difficult to remember, but Y5 made Mrs Forrest and Mrs Baum very proud with their enthusiasm and perseverance. These are Aria and Max’ books which show how tricky the questions could be!

Have a lovely weekend everyone!